Can You Chew Gum with Invisalign?

In this article, you will learn: What is Invisalign? Should you continue chewing gum with Invisalign? Can you eat with Invisalign? Some actionable tips for eating and chewing comfortably with Invisalign.
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Can You Chew Gum with Invisalign?
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Invisalign has been a top choice for orthodontic treatment among both teenagers and adults. It offers a means to straighten teeth and enhance your smile's aesthetics with minimal discomfort or disruption. After adjusting to the clear aligners, you'll often forget you're even undergoing treatment.

Now, for those gum enthusiasts who have recently gotten Invisalign, a common query might pop into their heads: "Can I still chew gum while wearing Invisalign?" 

We've got some good news and a bit of a downer to share. 

So, let's explore the compatibility of eating food and chewing gum with Invisalign

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is Invisalign?
  • Should you continue chewing gum with Invisalign?
  • Can you eat with Invisalign?
  • Some actionable tips for eating and chewing comfortably with Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign stands as a modern alternative to conventional braces, doing away with brackets and wires and opting for clear, rigid plastic aligners. These discreet aligners play a pivotal role in gently realigning your teeth, enhancing your smile without the noticeable presence or potential discomfort of traditional braces.

The versatility of Invisalign extends to addressing various dental issues, including:

Guidelines for Wearing Invisalign for Successful Treatment 

Following Invisalign's guidelines makes sure you have a successful orthodontic treatment. Here's why it matters:

Alignment Progress: Invisalign aligners are custom-made to gradually shift your teeth. Following the prescribed wear schedule ensures that your teeth move as planned. Skipping or prolonging the use of a particular set of aligners can lead to misaligned teeth.

Comfort: Adhering to the guidelines ensures that your aligners fit comfortably. Wearing them for the recommended 20-22 hours a day minimizes discomfort and allows your mouth to adjust gradually to each set.

Hygiene: Removing your aligners before eating and drinking prevents food particles from getting trapped. Doing so can also lower the risk of cavities and gum issues. Proper cleaning and maintenance of both your teeth and aligners are important to keep your smile healthy throughout treatment.

Optimal Results: Another thing is consistency – it’s how you achieve desired results. Deviating from the recommended guidelines means treatment delays or compromised outcomes.

Progress Tracking: Your orthodontist relies on your adherence to the guidelines to track your progress in the most accurate way. This helps them make necessary adjustments and ensure that your treatment stays on course.

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Can You Chew Gum with Invisalign?

Chewing gum with Invisalign 

Now comes the most important query, “Can you chew gum with Invisalign”?

Yes, you can. But it’s not recommended. Or, we’d just say it’s a “yes and no” at the same time. 

Invisalign is a popular choice for those seeking a discreet way to straighten their teeth. However, when it comes to chewing gum with Invisalign, there are a few things you need to know.

Why Chewing Gum with Invisalign Isn't Recommended

Invisalign aligners are designed to be worn for the majority of the day and should only be removed when eating, drinking (except for water), and for oral hygiene routines. 

Chewing gum while wearing Invisalign can cause some issues, such as:

Aligner Damage: Chewing gum with your aligners can potentially damage them. The gum might get stuck to the aligners, making a sticky mess and potentially warping the aligner's shape.

Staining: Some gums contain artificial coloring that can stain your clear aligners over time, which affects their transparency and appearance.

Oral Hygiene: Chewing gum can get sugar into your mouth, and sugary gum is a no-go with Invisalign. The sugar can get trapped in your aligners, increasing the risk of cavities and tooth decay.

So, When You Can Chew Gum?

Now, here's the good news. You don't have to give up chewing gum entirely during your Invisalign journey. The key is timing and gum choice:

Timing: Remove your aligners before chewing gum. Enjoy your gum break when your aligners are out to avoid any mess or potential damage.

Gum Choice: Opt for sugar-free gum (like mastic gum) to reduce the risk of oral health issues. Sugar-free gum is less likely to cause cavities and won't stain your aligners.

While you can enjoy gum during your Invisalign treatment, it's important to do so responsibly. Remove your aligners, choose sugar-free gum, and remember to maintain proper oral hygiene to keep your smile healthy throughout the process.

Can You Eat with Invisalign?

Yes, you can eat with Invisalign. But it requires a specific way.

One of the remarkable advantages of Invisalign is its ease of use, especially when it comes to mealtime. 

Unlike traditional braces, you have the freedom to remove your aligners while eating and drinking, which makes your daily routine much simpler. This flexibility isn't limited to adults – Invisalign for Teens offers the same convenience.

Here's how it works: 

  • You take out your aligners
  • Enjoy your meal
  • Savor the flavors without any braces getting in the way. 

Once you've finished eating, it's essential to maintain proper oral hygiene. Thoroughly brush your teeth, clean your aligners, and then reinsert them.

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Can You Mew While Wearing Invisalign?

Mewing and Invisalign are both effective methods for improving your bright smile and facial appearance. 

But can you practice mewing while wearing Invisalign aligners? 

Let's explore this combination and how it can work in your favor. 

Understanding Mewing: 

Mewing is a DIY technique that involves maintaining proper tongue posture by resting the tongue against the roof of the mouth. This practice encourages:

  • Healthy facial development, 
  • Improved jawline definition, and 
  • Proper oral posture. 

Mewing can have significant benefits, especially if you're looking to enhance your facial symmetry. There are a number of amazing mewing before and after transformations available widely on the internet, shared by real people. 

Invisalign and Mewing:

Fortunately, practicing mewing while wearing Invisalign aligners is not only possible but can be complementary. 

Here's how they work together:

Alignment Harmony: Both Invisalign and Mewing focus on aligning your teeth and improving your bite. While Invisalign gradually shifts your teeth into their correct positions, mewing helps in maintaining the right tongue posture to support these changes.

Enhanced Jaw Development: Mewing encourages the development of your jaw muscles and bones. This can complement Invisalign's efforts to align your teeth.

Better Oral Posture: Invisalign aligners are designed to improve your oral posture by correcting bite issues. Mewing does the same by training your tongue to rest properly on the palate. Also, it can be a huge support for your treatment. 

If you’re not sure how to mew properly, we encourage you to download the Mewing App as it has everything covered for even the absolute beginners. 

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Note: Always consult with your orthodontist or dentist before starting any new practices alongside your Invisalign treatment. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure your oral health is on the right track.

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Quick Tips for Eating Comfortably with Invisalign 

The following practices pretty much sum up your confusion of “How can you easily chew gum or eat with Invisalign.”

Remove Your Aligners: Before every meal, take out your Invisalign aligners. This simple step eliminates any discomfort and ensures you can enjoy your food without obstructions.

Stick to Water While Wearing Aligners: While wearing your aligners, it's best to drink only water. This prevents staining, sugar buildup, and gumming up your aligners.

Brush Your Teeth Before Reinserting: After eating, thoroughly brush your teeth and clean your aligners before putting them back in your mouth. 

Opt for Sugar-Free Gum: If you're a gum lover, choose sugar-free gum for a refreshing post-meal treat. It's less likely to cause cavities or aligner staining.

Choose Soft Foods When Necessary: If you're experiencing sensitivity or discomfort after an adjustment, opt for softer foods that require less chewing. 

Stay Hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day can help keep your mouth fresh and comfortable while wearing aligners.

Carry a Travel Kit: Consider carrying a small travel kit with a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a case for your aligners. This way, you're always prepared, no matter where you are.

Follow Your Orthodontist's Advice: Your orthodontist will provide specific guidelines based on your treatment plan. Always follow their recommendations for a successful Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
September 28, 2023