How to Mew with Overbite, Underbite, Crossbite, and Open Bite

In this article, we take a deep look at how to mew with an overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite.
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How to Mew with Overbite, Underbite, Crossbite, and Open Bite?
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We don’t realize it, but many of us may have some common problems with our teeth and jaws. Let us give a quick introduction to what these conditions look like. 

  • Overbite is when your upper teeth stick out too far over your lower teeth. 
  • Underbite is when your lower teeth jut out in front of your upper teeth. 
  • Crossbite means your upper and lower teeth don't fit together properly.

If you want to fix your underbite or overbite to finally feel confident about your facial profile and enjoy your food with no chewing issues, you might want to give mewing a worthy try!

Need detailed insights on whether it’s a good idea to mew with an overbite, underbite, or open bite?

This article will help you learn:

  • What’s the possibility of fixing your upper and lower bite issues with mewing?
  • How to mew with an overbite?
  • Is it possible to fix your underbite with mewing?
  • Causes of bite issues
  • Mewing with a crossbite, open bite, and more. 

Let’s get right into it!

What Does Mewing Do?

Mewing is a DIY method to improve your asymmetrical face without surgery. It's all about how you position your tongue in your mouth, and Dr. Mike Mew is a big advocate.

Here is how mewing can benefit you overall:

Facial Symmetry: One of the primary aims of mewing is to help in fixing your facial asymmetry. By correctly positioning your tongue against your palate, you can promote the balanced development of your facial muscles and bones. Over time, this can lead to a more harmonious and attractive facial appearance.

Jawline Enhancement: Mewing can help in achieving a well-defined jawline. When you engage your tongue muscles consistently, you provide support to the lower jaw. This way, mewing can get you a more sculpted jawline, which is often a desirable feature.

Orthodontic Improvements: While not a replacement for professional orthodontic treatment, mewing may complement it. If you have mild overbites, underbites, or crossbites, mewing could potentially help in bite correction. It can also reduce the chances of relapse after orthodontic treatment.

Can Mewing Help Fix My Bite Issues?

Everybody loves to have a properly aligned bite. A proper bite is characterized by the upper teeth slightly overlapping the lower teeth, with the molars' points neatly fitting into the grooves of their counterparts. If your jaw looks like this, you have a healthy or proper bite. 

Not only does a proper bite help chew your food effectively, but it also alleviates TMJ pain caused by misalignment. 

Now, how does mewing help those with improper bite?

In some cases, bite problems can stem from incorrect tongue posture. Mewing promotes the proper resting position of your tongue on the palate, which can, over time, help realign your bite. 

By consistently practicing correct tongue posture, you may see improvements in issues related to tongue positioning. You can also check hundreds of before and after mewing transformations online – it’s remarkable how a simple shift in your oral habits can bring you awesome results. 

The screenshot above is just one example of how effective mewing is. You can check a ton of promising mewing before and after photos readily available on the web to see the results yourself.

Get a better jawline in just 28 days

Get rid of a double chin and get an attractive jawline with a daily mewing workout

Can Mewing Cause an Overbite?

No, mewing does not cause an overbite. It’s a proper tongue posture technique that helps with jaw alignment, and chewing and swallowing habits.

However, not mewing in the right way and continuously making the worst mewing mistakes like pushing your tongue against the top teeth, can cause you an overbite. Learn how to mew properly before you plan to start mewing for an overbite. 

And, that’s where an expert mewing guide on how to mew properly comes in – to help you become better at mewing and making it work in your favor, rather than against it. 

Check our Mewing App to get all the actionable guidance you need today to start mewing. You won’t only be fixing your bite, but have a 24/7 companion to improve your posture and boost your confidence level. 

Mewing App has:

  • Absolute proper tongue posture tutorials
  • Mewing exercises for jawline, bite issues, and facial symmetry 
  • Tracking feature to see your progress
  • Constant reminders to keep you up with proper tongue placement so you don’t get any bite issues at all

[Get the Perfect Bite You Deserve]

Mewing with Overbite and Underbite

Overbite and underbite are orthodontic conditions where the upper and lower teeth do not meet correctly when your jaw is closed. 

Our upper and lower teeth usually overlap to some extent, which is completely fine. However, if the overlap is so pronounced that it affects your facial profile and causes discomfort while chewing, you may consider addressing it.

An overbite occurs when the upper teeth protrude 4-10 mm far over the lower teeth – creating an imbalance in the bite. Much like crossbites and underbites, overbite is an unnatural positioning of the jaw that you can potentially fix with mewing. 

An underbite, a kind of teeth malocclusion, is characterized by the lower teeth jutting out beyond the upper teeth. Underbites can range from mild to severe, with some individuals having a noticeable bulldog-like appearance.

In severe underbite cases, several adverse consequences may arise, including:

  • Difficulty with chewing and biting
  • Speech impediments
  • Jaw discomfort due to misaligned teeth

Treating these conditions is vital not only for improving your facial profile but also for maintaining excellent oral health. 

Over time, untreated overbites and underbites can lead to various issues, including:

  • Jaw pain, 
  • Difficulty chewing, 
  • Speech problems, and 
  • Excessive wear on teeth.

What Causes an Overbite?

An overbite can develop due to various factors, including:

Genetics: If your parents have overbites, your genetic makeup may predispose you to an underdeveloped lower jaw.

Unhealthy Habits: Orthotropics emphasize the impact of environmental and developmental factors as major causes of an overbite. 

For instance, habits such as:

  • Prolonged pacifier use, 
  • Thumb-sucking, 
  • Mouth breathing, or
  • Nail-biting during early life can contribute to overbites, underbites, or crossbites. 

The above habits are often associated with poor tongue posture.

Poor tongue and mouth positioning are major contributors to overbites. Correct tongue posture involves resting the tongue on the roof of the mouth, keeping the mouth closed and the jaws aligned. This prevents mouth breathing and abnormal jaw growth.

Conversely, when the tongue rests low in the mouth and the mouth remains open for extended periods, it can cause the lower jaw to retract while the upper jaw grows forward. This, in turn, causes you an overbite.

By improving your tongue posture, you can potentially save yourself from the inconveniences and expenses of surgery.

One non-invasive, natural solution for correcting an overbite is mewing, which centers around proper tongue posture to address overbites and enhance jaw alignment.

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Can Mewing Help Fix Your Overbite?

You might wonder if mewing is possible with an overbite. The answer is yes, but it requires a specific approach. Mewing involves proper tongue posture, where your tongue rests against your palate and exerts gentle pressure. While an overbite may affect your tongue's position, it's essential to adapt your mewing technique accordingly.

How to Mew with an Overbite?

When it comes to do mewing with an overbite, you must be aware of your tongue posture.

  • Your tongue should rest on the roof of your mouth, and the tip of your tongue should touch just behind your front teeth.
  • You need to apply slight pressure upwards against your palate with your tongue. This encourages proper tongue posture and can help improve your overbite over time.
  • Be consistent with your mewing practice. Remember that mewing results may take time to become noticeable, so patience is key.
  • And lastly, make sure you don’t put excessive pressure on your jaws or palate.

Benefits of Mewing With an Overbite

You might ask “Is mewing good with an overbite”? 

Since mewing involves pressing the tongue against the upper palate, it can lead to maxillary expansion. Interestingly, some individuals have reported that this practice also facilitated the alignment of their lower and upper jaws – effectively resolving their overbite issues.

Note: Things to Be Careful About: 

As discussed earlier, proper mewing can lead to forward maxillary development and extension of the upper jaw over the lower jaw. However, if you push your tongue against the top teeth, it can potentially worsen an overbite, causing more harm than good.

How to Mew with an Underbite?

Much like an overbite, mewing with an underbite requires careful attention to tongue placement and jaw alignment. 

To begin, focus on resting your tongue gently on the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. This tongue posture should be maintained consistently throughout the day.

Here are some practical exercises to help you achieve proper oral posture:

Tongue Pressure: Apply gentle pressure with your tongue against the palate while your tongue remains in the correct position.

Tongue Sweeps: Practice sweeping your tongue along the roof of your mouth from the front to the back. This helps reinforce the correct tongue posture.

Swallowing Technique: Pay attention to your swallowing pattern. It should involve the tongue pressing against the palate during the swallow.

Everything you need for mewing in one app:

1. Learn the correct technique

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What Causes an Underbite?

If you have an underbite, it’s most likely because of genetics. If a close family member has an underbite, there's a significant likelihood that you may inherit it as well. Genetics play a crucial role in determining jaw and tooth shape, and certain genetic factors can lead to the development of an underbite.

However, underbite can also occur due to several other reasons, including:

  • Tongue thrust
  • Thumb sucking
  • Bottle-feeding and pacifiers after 3 years old
  • Jawbone injuries
  • Jaw tumors
  • Lastly, incorrect tongue position. 

Can Mewing Correct an Underbite?

Whether or not mewing corrects an underbite is based on individual factors and the severity of the condition. While some individuals have reported improvements, you must understand that underbites can have different causes, including genetic predisposition and jaw misalignment.

A comprehensive approach to addressing an underbite may include professional guidance from orthodontists or oral surgeons. 

They can assess the severity of your underbite and recommend suitable treatment options, which may involve:

  • Braces, 
  • Orthognathic surgery, or 
  • Other interventions.

However, if you want to steer clear of braces or other surgical treatments, you can try fixing your underbite naturally with mewing. 

What is a Crossbite?

Here is what a crossbite looks like
Here is what a crossbite looks like

Properly aligned jaws not only add to your aesthetics but are also crucial for your oral health.

However, a crossbite is a condition where your teeth do not align correctly when your mouth is closed. In a crossbite, certain lower teeth may sit in front of your upper teeth, and this is a relatively common issue recognized by dentists and orthodontists.

There are two primary types of crossbites:

Posterior Crossbite: In this type, the lower teeth towards the back of your mouth overlap the upper teeth.

Anterior Crossbite: Here, the front lower teeth rest over the upper teeth at the front of your mouth.

Crossbites can result from both genetic and environmental factors. Genetics can influence the shape of your jaw and teeth, increasing the likelihood of crossbite if it runs in your family. Incorrect tongue posture can also be one major cause of a crossbite. 

Other causes include childhood habits include:

  • Thumb-sucking 
  • Prolonged use of pacifiers 

Don’t stress if you still have a crossbite, you can certainly help fix it with a mewing tongue posture technique. 

How to Mew with a Crossbite

Here is how effective mewing with a crossbite looks like:

Equal Tongue Pressure: Focus on applying even pressure with your tongue against the roof of your mouth on both sides. This balanced pressure helps promote proper alignment.

Oral Exercises: Add specific oral exercises into your routine. These exercises can assist in improving crossbite conditions over time.

Mewing for Open Bite 

Let’s first understand what is an open bite.

An open bite is a dental condition where there's a noticeable gap between your upper and lower front teeth when your mouth is closed. 

Open bites can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics, 
  • Thumb-sucking during childhood, 
  • Tongue thrusting,
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD or TMJ),
  • Skeletal problem
  • Improper tongue placement 

Open bites can affect both the appearance of your smile and your ability to bite and chew effectively.

Can Mewing Help Fix Your Open Bite?

An open bite can cause you to feel dissatisfaction with your teeth's appearance, often characterized by the perception that they protrude. 

However, there's hope for those seeking to improve this issue. Mewing, with its focus on proper tongue posture and jaw alignment, has the potential to help with open bite issues. 

To start mewing effectively for an open bite:

Focus on Tongue Placement: Ensure your tongue rests against the roof of your mouth, with the tip of your tongue not touching your front teeth. 

Consistency and Patience: Like any orthodontic improvement method, mewing requires consistency and patience. Practice proper tongue posture consistently, and you may notice positive changes in your open bite over time. 

Don’t know where to begin?

Start with downloading the Mewing App – a complete guide to improving your teeth and jaw alignment. 

[Get a Perfect & Healthy Bite You Deserve]

Conclusion – Mewing with Overbite, Underbite, Crossbite, and Open Bite

So, is it good to rely on mewing with overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite?

Mewing is a DIY and non-surgical, natural tongue posture practice that can help you get good teeth and jaw alignment. Although mewing might not entirely replace professional orthodontic treatments, it can certainly complement your treatment to help you with a more balanced and attractive facial profile.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
September 28, 2023