Hard Mewing vs Soft Mewing: Should I Do It To Speed Up Results?

Dive into the differences between hard mewing and soft mewing in our comprehensive guide, as we discuss their potential impact on results and provide insights to help you choose the right technique for your facial improvement journey.
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Hard Mewing vs Soft Mewing: Should I Do It To Speed Up Results?
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Do you find yourself one of those millions of people who feel self-conscious about their weak jawline or the overall shape of their face?

Luckily, there's a result-oriented technique that might just change your life.

It’s called mewing.

This simple yet powerful technique has gained popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the work of Dr. Mike Mew and his father, Dr. John Mew. Their clinical experience has shown mewing is a legitimate way to reshape your entire facial structure if you do it correctly. Check out hundreds of mewing before and after photos here.

But, what is hard mewing? How is it different from regular mewing? 

Hard mewing involves applying more pressure to the tongue and palate, engaging the muscles and bones of the face even more deeply and promoting faster, more dramatic transformation.

However, that’s not all. 

Before you begin hard mewing, knowing the proper techniques and safety precautions is crucial to avoid any potential harm or disappointment. 

To ensure safety and achieve the desired results, we have developed a comprehensive guide on how to perform hard mewing effectively.

Make sure to read our guide on how to mew first!

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into:

  • What is hard mewing and how to hard mew?
  • Does hard mewing work?
  • How to know if you’re ready for hard mewing?
  • Which one should you go for? Hard mewing vs. soft mewing.
  • How to know if you’re hard mewing correctly and safely?
  • Before and after hard mewing results, and more.

Let’s get started!

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Get rid of a double chin and get an attractive jawline with a daily mewing workout

What Is Hard Mewing?

Before we define hard mewing, let’s recap what is mewing. You’ll need to understand the concept of mewing and proper tongue posture before practicing hard mewing.

So, mewing entails:

Now, let’s move on to what is hard mewing.

Orthrotopics specialist Dr. Mike Mew describes "hard mewing" as applying as much pressure as possible to the roof of the mouth. People who do hard mewing say they see results faster than regular mewing. 

To practice hard mewing, proper posture is still essential. Dr. Mike Mew interviewed patients who claimed they always kept their lips sealed to maintain good posture. However, Dr. Mew noticed that some patients unconsciously opened their mouths during the interviews.

Therefore, Dr. Mew believes hard mewing may encourage the body to establish neural pathways in the jaws and cheeks, reinforcing good oral posture.

What Is The Basic Difference Between Hard Mewing And Soft Mewing?

The tongue is a strong muscle that can apply different pressure levels to the palate. This pressure determines whether you are doing soft mewing or hard mewing.

In soft mewing, you hold your tongue against the roof of your mouth without much pressure. However, you press your tongue against the palate as hard as possible in hard mewing, creating excessive pressure. 

This might seem like a way to achieve quick results. But it can actually be counterproductive, especially if you’re not habitual of soft mewing. 

It's also important to note that hard mewing may seem like a faster way to see results, but no scientific evidence supports this claim. 

Dr. Mew advises practicing soft mewing consistently over time is the best way to achieve a good oral posture. Doing so can strengthen the tongue, palate, and jaw muscles and develop a natural and sustainable oral posture.

Now, Does Hard Mewing Actually Work?

How does hard mewing work

While no scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of hard mewing, many people have still reported positive results. 

However, hard mewing should not be relied upon as the sole method for improving facial structure, as other factors such as nutrition, exercise, and breathing habits are equally important.

Results from hard mewing can take time and patience, and consistency is key to achieving noticeable improvements in facial structure. Maintaining tongue posture throughout the day and not just during mewing exercises is essential. Remember that hard mewing is just one exercise and should complement a healthy lifestyle for the best results.

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Is Hard Mewing Healthy Enough To Practice? 

If you've been considering hard mewing to improve your facial structure, you may wonder whether it's a healthy practice.

While there are concerns about the excessive pressure that hard mewing can place on the palate and jaw, proponents claim it can benefit breathing habits and reduce snoring or sleep apnea.

  • To achieve the best results, mewing experts recommend a combination of hard and soft mewing. 
  • This allows for increased pressure on the tongue without risking injury or discomfort, and focusing on proper tongue posture and overall facial and neck muscles can also be beneficial.

Additionally, it's important to note that mewing can benefit beyond aesthetics. It has been shown to help with over and underbites, bruxism, and sleep apnea. As with any health practice, it's important to consult a healthcare professional and approach mewing with moderation and proper technique.

How Fast Can Hard Mewing Show Results?

Man with an attractive jawline

If you're into hard mewing, you may be wondering how quickly you can expect results. 

While individual experiences may vary, many people report faster results with hard mewing than with traditional or soft mewing.

According to some mewers, hard mewing can produce noticeable changes in facial structure in as little as a few weeks. However, it's important to remember that everyone's body is different, and factors such as age, genetics, and lifestyle habits can all impact the speed and effectiveness of mewing. 

It's important to maintain proper tongue posture and to approach the practice with moderation to avoid any potential negative effects on oral health. With time and dedication, you may achieve your desired facial structure through hard mewing.

Hard Mewing Results - Before And After

Hard mewing before and after results
Hard mewing before and after results

Hard mewing before and after results
Hard mewing before (right) and after (left) results

Through consistent practice of hard mewing, individuals have achieved remarkable and visible results in a fraction of the time it takes for regular mewing. 

As attested by the experiences of many mewers, this method can work wonders, especially for younger people, who have been able to reshape their natural facial structure with greater density and efficiency in just a matter of weeks. 

However, Mewing App can help people of various age groups to enhance their facial aesthetics. The muscles in the chin and neck area are activated by practicing specific exercises that were often overlooked. This leads to lifted skin in that area and more defined facial features, even for those who may have thought it was too late to improve their appearance.

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Hard Mewing VS Soft Mewing - Which Technique Is Right For You?

Mewing is a popular technique that has gained much attention recently due to its potential benefits in improving the facial structure and alignment. 

However, with varying degrees of tongue pressure, there are two distinct ways to practice mewing. 

Hard mewing and soft mewing. But which one is better?

You simply hold your tongue against the palate with light, comfortable force in soft or regular mewing. This creates a vacuum sensation between your tongue and palate, known as the “suction hold.” 

This gentle technique focuses on proper tongue posture, which is important for your facial structure and overall health, including breathing, swallowing, chewing, and speaking.

On the other hand, hard mewing is all about applying maximum force to the palate with the tongue. 

While it can help build facial muscles, applying excessive force can cause strain and fatigue in the tongue, leading to ineffective results. Hard mewing doesn't create a suction hold like soft mewing, so the pressure is applied without a vacuum.

So, which one should you practice? It depends on your goals and comfort level. 

Hard mewing vs Soft mewing

Soft mewing:

  • gentle and effective technique that can gradually improve your facial structure and overall health. 
  • It's also easy to practice and can be effortlessly incorporated into your daily routine. 

Hard mewing: 

  • requires significant force and can be challenging to maintain for extended periods. 
  • However, hard mewing may be worth considering if you want a more intense approach.

Ultimately, listening to your body and starting with a comfortable and sustainable technique is important. 

Consistency and patience are key, regardless of which mewing technique you choose. 

NOTE: Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new health or wellness regimen.

Potential Risks With Hard Mewing

While hard mewing is seen as a fast way to achieve a more defined jawline, it's important to be aware of the potential risks involved. 

Dr. Mike Mew, a leading authority on orthotropic treatment, warns that improper hard mewing can cause serious jaw problems that may be difficult to reverse.

Here are a few key signs you might be doing hard mewing incorrectly:

1. Maximum Mouth Opening: 

First, check your maximum mouth opening. Most people should be able to fit three fingers in their mouth without discomfort. It may be a sign you're overdoing it if you can't. 

Some people naturally have a smaller mouth, so this isn't a hard and fast rule for everyone.

2. Scalloping Of The Tongue: 

Another common issue is scalloping of the tongue. If you're applying too much pressure with your tongue and pushing it against your teeth for long periods of time, you may notice marks on the sides or top of your tongue that resemble scallop wedges. 

Dr. Mew suggests taking a break and examining your tongue to see where the marks are. If they're caused by contact with your teeth, it's time to adjust your technique.

3. Discomfort In Jaw Joints: 

Finally, be aware of any pain or discomfort in your jaw joints. Dr. Mew recommends the pinky test as a way to check for problems. 

Place your pinky fingers inside your ears and open and close your jaws. If you hear any knocking or cracking sounds, it could be a sign of a joint problem, and you should slow down on chewing or hard mewing.

Should You Be Hard Mewing Already?

If you've been practicing mewing for a while and want to try hard mewing, take a moment to evaluate your current mewing technique before you go harder on it.

Having the correct tongue posture is essential in mewing. Applying additional force through hard mewing could cause more harm than good if you haven't mastered it. 

It's crucial to remember that a significant percentage of adults do not swallow properly. 

Therefore, starting with the basics of mewing is critical to activating the correct muscles and avoiding pressure injuries and muscle strain.

  • The first step is to ensure that your tongue is correctly positioned against the roof of your mouth, ideally in the center behind your front teeth. 

  • You can do it by mimicking a swallowing movement, using the entire tongue instead of just the tip.

  • Before applying extra force through hard mewing, it’s best to incorporate the tongue posture into your daily routine, including your drinking and munching habits. 

This will help you activate the right muscles and avoid pressure injuries and strained muscles.

So, when is the right time to move on to hard mewing?

Although hard mewing may seem like a quick solution to achieving results, you need the right tongue posture. Gradually building up tongue strength is vital for avoiding injuries and muscle strains. 

Spending a few weeks or months practicing soft or regular mewing is advisable before attempting hard mewing.

If you add hard mewing to your routine, applying proper tongue pressure, maintaining good body posture, and swallowing consistently is crucial. 

Nonetheless, it's worth noting that the effectiveness of hard mewing doesn't solely depend on the pressure applied to the roof of your mouth but also on your ability to sustain it consistently without exhausting your tongue. 

Remember to be mindful of your body and take breaks as necessary to prevent overexertion.

That said, let’s move on to how to do hard mewing the safest way. 

How To Do Hard Mewing – Step By Step Instructions To Hard Mew The Safest Way 

Hard mewing can be an effective way to improve your facial structure and achieve a defined jawline, but it's important to do it safely and effectively. 

Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure you’re hard mewing the safest way possible: 

1. Begin With A Right Tongue Pressure - Key To Hard Mewing: 

  • The key to hard mewing is applying pressure to the roof of your mouth with the back of your tongue. 
  • Make sure you're using the back of your tongue and not the tip, as too much pressure at the tip can push your front teeth forward and give you an overbite

  • It may take some conscious effort initially, but it will become natural with practice.

2. Get In A Really Good Posture - Foundation Of Hard Mewing: 

  • To generate the right amount of pressure needed for hard mewing, it's essential to have good posture. 

  • Keep your back straight and your chin tucked back while your tongue pushes upwards on the maxilla. 

  • Since many of us have bad posture from sitting in front of screens, make a habit of regularly correcting your posture.

3. Correct Tongue Swallowing - Maximize the Benefits of Hard Mewing

  • Swallowing correctly is essential for hard mewing. 
  • Engage your tongue muscles when you swallow, applying force on your maxilla each time. 
  • This frequent swallowing will help you maintain pressure on your mouth's roof and enhance the effects of hard mewing. 

Improving your swallowing technique can lead to quicker results in hard mewing. If you’re struggling with proper swallowing, this video by Dr. John Mew might help you sort it out. 

Additional Tips To Get Hard Mewing Right: 

  • Remember, when hard mewing, it's crucial to use as much pressure as possible before feeling pain. 

  • If you're a beginner, start with lighter pressure and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable. 

  • Mix up your routine with different intervals, alternating between hard and regular mewing techniques.

Final Word - Hard Mewing VS Soft Mewing

Whether you choose to start with simple mewing or work your way up to hard mewing, it's important to be patient, consistent, and mindful of your body's signals.

If you're just starting out, we recommend beginning with light mewing and gradually incorporating harder techniques into your routine as you progress. Remember, there's no harm in simple mewing, and even if you don't see immediate results, sticking with it will only make you better.

While hard mewing can achieve faster results, it's important to be cautious and avoid overexertion. Take your time, exercise for 20-30 minutes daily, and apply consistent pressure without too much force. Over time, you'll develop a simple habit that feels natural and automatic.

Looking to master your mewing techniques before breaking into the hard mewing for faster results? 

Download Mewing App to make learning and practicing more fun and realistic! 

Mewers’ Concerns - Hard Mewing VS Soft Mewing

What is hard mewing?

Hard mewing is a technique that involves applying excessive pressure to the roof of the mouth with the tongue to improve oral posture and nasal breathing.

Is hard mewing safe?

No scientific study suggests that hard mewing is safe or effective. In fact, it may be counterproductive and even harmful if done incorrectly or excessively. Soft mewing, conversely, involves a gentle and consistent practice that is considered safer and more effective for achieving proper tongue posture over time.

Are there any risks associated with hard mewing?

Some mewers claim that hard mewing can cause discomfort, pain, and even damage the teeth, jaw, and tongue. It can also interfere with natural speech and eating patterns. If you experience any discomfort in the jaw joint, pain, clicking - stop immediately. If it happens again, see a doctor. 

Can hard mewing produce quick results?

No study shows that hard mewing can give quicker or better results than soft mewing for improving oral posture. In fact, consistent practice of soft mewing is considered the most effective way to achieve and maintain proper tongue posture.

What is soft mewing?

Soft mewing is a technique that involves applying gentle pressure to the roof of the mouth with the tongue to improve oral posture. It does not involve excessive force or pressure that may be painful for some mewers.

Is there any scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of mewing?

More scientific research on mewing needs to be conducted, and more studies need to determine its effectiveness and safety. However, many experts recommend soft mewing and other techniques for achieving proper tongue posture as safe and effective methods that can be practiced consistently over time.

What is the best way to achieve good oral posture?

The best way to achieve and maintain good oral posture is through the consistent and gentle practice of soft mewing and other techniques recommended by experts. Maintaining good overall health and seeking professional help if you experience any pain or discomfort in your mouth, teeth, or jaw is also important.

Can hard mewing ruin my face?

Doing a hard mew incorrectly can lead to various irregular muscle and joint activities that may visibly affect your body posture and disrupt your natural muscle and nerve responses. 

Some potential risks associated with improper hard mewing include:

  • TMJ pain
  • Improper oral posture
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Unnatural enlargement of the neck, head, and chin 

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
June 27, 2023