How to Fix Underbite Naturally Without Braces

Learn the secrets to naturally correcting underbite without the need for braces. Explore proven techniques and exercises to realign your jaw and achieve a harmonious bite.
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How to Fix Underbite Naturally Without Braces
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An underbite is more than just an aesthetic concern that affects your self-esteem. An untreated underbite can lead to functional problems such as difficulty speaking and eating, jaw pain, and chronic headaches. 

But here’s the good news – an underbite correction is no longer as painful or invasive as it once was. 

With advanced techniques and treatments available, you can fix your underbite naturally and regain your confidence and beautiful smile. 

You can even help fix your minor underbite with the proper tongue posture, also called mewing. Read our guide on how to mew to get more information about that.

Surgical intervention is only necessary in severe cases where a significant skeletal issue causes a bad bite. 

In milder underbite cases, you can correct your underbite without surgery – making the process more comfortable.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What exactly is an underbite?
  • What causes an underbite?
  • How to fix an underbite at home? Mewing and dietary changes can help. 
  • What are the recommended surgical, non-surgical, and natural methods available to correct your underbite?

Let’s dive in to discover how you can fix your underbite naturally. 

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What Is an Underbite?       

An underbite, also known as prognathism, occurs when the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth, resulting in a malocclusion or bad bite. This type of misalignment is classified as a "class III malocclusion," where the bottom teeth are positioned in front of the top teeth.

Here is an illustration of what a common underbite looks like:

What is an underbite? 

Prognathism or an underbite is a serious dental condition that can affect your ability to chew and speak properly. Not only that, but an underbite can also affect the perception of facial beauty for some. 

In mild to severe cases, an underbite can cause Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ pain) – resulting in:

  • Chronic jaw pain, 
  • Stiffness, 
  • Clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth.

Overbite vs Underbite

While both conditions affect the alignment of your teeth and jaw, there are significant differences between an underbite and an overbite.

An underbite is characterized by the lower teeth protruding in front of the upper teeth. Whereas, an overbite occurs when the upper teeth extend beyond the line of the bottom teeth. 

While both conditions have similar origins, an underbite may require more extensive treatment than an overbite. 

What Causes an Underbite?       

If you're stressed over how your underbite looks, it's the right time to take some action. 

Underbites can occur due to a range of factors such as genetic predisposition, medical issues, improper tongue posture, mouth breathing, and more. 

Let’s get into the details of each.


Genetics plays a big role in an underbite. If your parents have an underbite, you can have it too. There are ways to correct the issue without surgery, such as orthodontics, braces, and retainers.

Incorrect Teeth Brushing: 

Using incorrect brushing methods, such as applying excessive pressure or using improper angles, can cause an underbite. It is essential to correct your brushing habits to promote better dental hygiene and prevent the formation of an underbite.

Teeth Growth in Incorrect Direction: 

Misaligned or incorrect teeth growth can cause an underbite. This can happen due to genetics, dental problems, or accidents. Braces and/or surgery may be required to correct an underbite caused by teeth growing in the wrong direction.

Poor Jawbone Development: 

Poor jawbone development or a weak chin is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors. If severe, it may require mild corrective measures or more extensive treatment. 

Seeing an orthodontist can help identify the underlying cause and provide accurate guidance on how to correct it.

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Poor Childhood Habits:

Poor childhood habits, such as thumb sucking, tongue pushing, and prolonged bottle feeding, can lead to the development of an underbite.

All in all, the most common causes of developing an underbite are mouth breathing and improper tongue posture – hanging the tongue on the bottom of the mouth rather than on the palate behind the upper teeth.

How Does Mouth Breathing Cause an Underbite?       

Mouth breathing can cause an underbite by altering the growth and development of the jawbone and teeth. 

When a person breathes through their mouth, the tongue is not in the correct position to support the natural growth of the upper jaw. This can lead to a narrower upper jaw and a more pronounced lower jaw – ending up with an underbite.

How Does Improper Tongue Posture Cause an Underbite?

Improper tongue posture can cause an underbite by putting pressure on the front teeth and pushing them forward. When you don’t maintain a proper tongue posture, this can cause the teeth to shift and the lower jaw to become more prominent, leading to an underbite. 

Tongue thrusting can also interfere with the natural development of the jawbone and teeth, which can exacerbate the problem.

Jaw Position and Facial Aesthetics

The position of your jaw can have a significant impact on your facial appearance.

Jaw position and Facial Aesthetics 

A correct jaw position is one where the teeth are aligned properly and the upper and lower jaws meet in a way that allows for comfortable chewing and speaking.

An underbite, which occurs when the lower jaw goes beyond the upper jaw, can affect both the aesthetics of the face and the functionality of the teeth and jaw. 

Fortunately, there are ways to address an underbite and improve the appearance and function of the jaw without resorting to surgery.

How to Fix Underbite Naturally?       

Now, let’s move to how to fix underbite naturally. 

One of the most effective ways to fix an underbite naturally is through proper tongue posture and mewing. 

Mewing involves placing the tongue in the roof of the mouth with the tip behind the front teeth and the back of the tongue touching the soft palate. 

This helps to create proper alignment between the upper and lower jaw and can even promote proper facial development.

Everything you need for mewing in one app:

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To easily track your progress, make sure to stay consistent with the reminder feature and save your before and after mewing pictures directly to the app.

Besides practicing mewing, you can also use other natural remedies including:

Facial or jawline exercises can help strengthen the muscles around the jaw and improve overall facial symmetry. A diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals can also help support proper facial development.

Orthotropics for an Underbite Correction               

Orthotropics is a natural approach to correcting jaw and teeth misalignment. 

The goal of orthotropics is to promote proper facial growth by guiding the teeth and jaw into their natural position. 

The orthotropic approach involves the use of custom appliances, such as braces and retainers, to gently move the teeth and jaw into their optimal position. Orthotropics differs from traditional orthodontics in that it focuses on promoting well-balanced facial growth and development rather than just straightening the teeth.

The Differences Between Orthotropics and Orthodontics

Orthodontics and orthotropics are two approaches to correcting dental misalignments. 

But they differ in their approach and outcomes. 

While Orthodontics attributes malocclusion to genetics, Orthotropics points toward poor posture and improper breathing habits. 

Consequently, their treatment methods differ significantly. 

Orthodontics aims to straighten teeth through mechanical braces and tooth extraction to create space. 

On the other hand, Orthotropics looks to correct posture and widen the maxilla so that the teeth and jaw will naturally fall into their correct position, without extractions.

Orthotropics treats the root cause of malocclusion, rather than just its symptoms, by taking a holistic approach to orthodontics. It believes that a good-looking face will create straight teeth, rather than the other way around. 

Therefore, orthotropic treatment starts as early as possible, to create lifelong changes. It uses orthopedic appliances instead of braces and expands and develops the maxilla and cranial bones to create space.

Orthotopics Vs Orthodontics – video by John Mew 

Can Mewing and Proper Tongue Posture Fix an Underbite?

If you’re wondering how to fix an underbite without braces, mewing and proper tongue posture can just be the best solution for you.

By placing the tongue in the roof of the mouth:

  • The tongue helps to guide the upper jaw forward, and 
  • Promotes proper facial growth and development. 

Mewing is simply a natural tongue position that can assist in correcting teeth misalignment and give you a more sculpted facial look. 

Our Mewing App offers a comprehensive list of these techniques and exercises with over 100K satisfied users. You too can experience the benefits!

Fixing Underbite       

It’s recommended that you don’t leave your underbite untreated. 

Here are the advisable treatment options available for fixing underbites – ranging from mild to severe cases.

Treating Mild and Moderate Underbites       

Mild and moderate underbites can be corrected through non-surgical methods such as orthodontic treatment. 

Braces or clear aligners can be used to move the teeth and jaw into the proper position gradually. These methods can take several months to a few years. But they are effective in correcting mild to moderate underbites.

Correcting Severe Underbites       

In cases of severe underbites, surgery may be required. 

Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, involves repositioning the jawbones to correct the underbite. This surgery is often performed in combination with orthodontic treatment. 

Making Cosmetic Corrections       

If your underbite is not causing you a functionality barrier but is affecting the appearance of the face, cosmetic correction may be an option. 

Veneers or crowns can be used to change the shape and appearance of the teeth, making them appear more aligned. Botox injections can also be used to improve the appearance of the jawline.

Protruding Chin Correction

A protruding chin can often be corrected through genioplasty, a surgical procedure that reshapes the chin bone. This procedure can be performed along with orthognathic surgery for correcting severe underbites or as a standalone procedure for mild to moderate cases. 

Recovery from this surgery typically takes a few weeks, and the results are permanent.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options to Fix an Underbite       

Now, how to fix an underbite without surgery?

Most cases of mild to moderate underbites can be fixed without surgery using methods such as:

An Upper Jaw Expander       

One non-surgical treatment option for correcting an underbite is an upper jaw expander. 

This device is typically used in children while their bones are still growing and can be effective in widening the upper jaw to create more space for teeth to align properly. The expander is attached to the upper molars and gradually widened for several months.

Correct Your Underbite with Braces       

You may also opt for braces as another effective non-surgical treatment for underbites. 

Traditional braces use brackets and wires to gradually shift teeth into the correct position, including correcting the alignment of the jaw. 

Elastics may also be used to help move the lower jaw into a more appropriate position relative to the upper jaw. 

Typically, traditional braces require wearing for 18 to 36 months for them to be effective.

Correct Your Underbite with Invisalign

Invisalign, a clear aligner system, is also an option for correcting underbites. 

Like traditional braces, Invisalign works by gradually shifting teeth into the correct position. However, instead of brackets and wires, clear aligner trays are used. 

These trays are removable, making it easier to eat and clean your teeth. But they must be worn for at least 22 hours a day to yield maximum results. 

Surgical Solutions to Fix an Underbite     

You are recommended to opt for a surgical correction only if you have a severe underbite that can't be treated through non-surgical methods. 

Here are some of the most common surgical solutions to fix an underbite. 

Underbite Surgery       

Also known as mandibular osteotomy, this procedure involves repositioning the lower jaw forward to align it with the upper jaw. During the surgery, the jawbone is cut and moved into its new position. Plates, screws, and wires are used to hold the jawbone in place while it heals. 

Recovery time for this procedure typically ranges from 4 to 6 weeks.

Tooth Extraction       

Some mild to severe cases involve removing one or more teeth to help correct an underbite. This procedure is typically done in combination with braces or other orthodontic appliances. By creating more space in the mouth, the remaining teeth can be shifted into the correct position.

Orthognathic Jaw Surgery or Corrective Jaw Surgery

This procedure involves surgically repositioning the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both to correct the underbite. 

Like underbite surgery, orthognathic jaw surgery involves cutting the jawbone and repositioning it. Recovery time for this procedure can range from 6 to 12 weeks.

It goes without saying that surgical corrections can surely provide significant improvements in the appearance and functionality of the jaw. But it’s also a more invasive and expensive option compared to non-surgical methods. 

Your orthodontist or oral surgeon can help determine which approach is best suited for your underbite case. 

Jaw Surgery Alternative to Fix an Underbite

While surgical solutions like orthognathic jaw surgery and tooth extraction can correct severe underbites, they come with risks and a long recovery time. 

There are non-surgical alternatives that have shown promising results:

  • Braces, 
  • Invisalign, and 
  • Jaw expanders. 

These treatments can be effective for mild to moderate underbites and can help avoid the need for surgery.

Looking for a natural and completely non-invasive way to fix your underbite at home? 

Consider trying out mewing – a tongue posture technique that can help align your teeth and jaw. Simply rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth and keep your lips closed. 

With proper posture and exercises, you may be able to improve your jaw alignment, reduce the severity of your underbite, and feel your best self! 

Our Mewing App gives you a good headstart with proper tongue posture reminders throughout the day. Explore more about what our app does by downloading it

But keep in mind, the most effective treatment for your underbite will depend on how severe it is and what you prefer. It's always best to consult with a qualified orthodontist or dentist to determine the best treatment plan. 

So, don't hesitate to seek professional advice to get the results you want! 


The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
June 27, 2023